December 13, 2010~
Dec 13:
Since it's her birthday today...
Taylor Swift's Speak
Now released
on Oct 25, 2010...

Chart positions:
Nov 20 #1 - Nov 27 #2 - Dec 04 #9 - Dec 11 #4 - Dec 18 #2
with Venus entering 'Underworld' (invisible in glare of Sun) at Chile
mine latitude (~Oct 26) before
reborn just days later as 'Morning Star' AKA Lucifer. Goddess.

Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night...
- First single from Speak
Now was 'Mine'.
- 'Mine'
was released
on August 4, the day before Chile
mine collapse (Aug 5).

birthday, Taylor.
tip to reader P.]
pentagrammic point... winter solstice.

Dec 18: The
multicontextual significance of the very rare coincidence coming up of
a total lunar eclipse taking place on the winter solstice (Dec 21)...
- It marks the final
pentagrammic orbital contact point of the year; the previous two
points in the sequence were
Prince William's engagement announcement (Nov 16) and the
successful rescue of the 33 Chilean miners (Oct 9-13).
- It marks the opposite point
from Prince William's birthday (summer solstice), the eldest son
of Diana, a 'moon goddess'.
- The Moon will turn reddish
during the eclipse. In Japanese 'red moon' might be called 'aka-tsuki'
(aka = red, tsuki = moon),
a homonym of 'akatsuki' meaning 'dawn' - the name of a Japanese (JAXA)
spacecraft recently sent to Venus the 'Morning Star' (= 'Lucifer'
= 'son of dawn'); the Akatsuki probe failed to enter Venus
orbit on Dec 6, two days after Venus reached peak brightness
(coinciding with an equinoctially aligned pentagrammic date).
- The same day (Dec 6) saw
NASA's Nanosail-D spacecraft being ejected from the launch
vehicle (later failing to unfurl its experimental solar sail),
echoing Japan's Ikaros solar sail spacecraft launched
with Akatsuki back on May 20 when
the Sun was closest to the Pleiades star cluster AKA
(mythologically) 'seven daughters of Atlas' or 'Atlantides';
'Pleiades' means 'sailing (ones)'. Sun + Pleiades (sail) = 'solar
sail'. May 20 was also the day the 'Dawn' module (=>
akatsuki), delivered by space shuttle Atlantis (=>
Atlas), opened its hatch for the first time at the ISS (space
sail' implies 'solar wind' which in turn alludes to the House of
Windsor, the British Royal Family. Windsor => 'winds-or' =>
'winds-gold/sun' (as or in French means gold which is
traditionally interchangeable with the Sun) => 'solar wind'.
- Also worth mentioning: New
film 'Gulliver's
Travels' starring Jack Black to be released on December
22nd - a 'giant' story prominently featuring the Bermuda/Devil's
Triangle... the same combination we had been seeing
in our 'The Event' alignment scheme...

Dec 26:
An important postscript on the solstice eclipse...

Moon turned blood-red exactly (and necessarily for any total lunar
eclipse) 180 degrees away from the solstice Sun so as to become in effect
the 'torch of Orion' at/near
the Galactic Anticenter or the intersection of the Galactic Equator
and the ecliptic (see picture above). It's where the Sun annually
finds itself on the summer solstice, ~June 21, the date of Prince
William's birth in 1982 from the lunar womb of Diana
(= Roman moon goddess) which was also marked by a partial solar

from London or anywhere along the Prime Meridian, this
particular solar eclipse would have produced a precise alignment
and/or greatest eclipse during culmination at the meridian or when the
Sun reached its highest point in the local sky. London in this way was
a 'Chosen City' that day... for the 'Chosen One' Prince
William, born there that day at 9:03 pm (DST).
fiancé Kate
Middleton was also born with an eclipse on January 9th that
same year (1982) - a total lunar eclipse, like the one we just had on
the winter solstice.
with the observations included in the previous post (Dec 18), it
should be enough for you to start sensing the cosmic
significance of the Royal Engagement and Wedding which will be one of
the biggest events in 2011. So significant is it, in fact, that you
are going to find that it's quite literally 'earthshaking', big time,
this one. But anyway...
Jan 05:
what could birds ominously falling from the sky in Arkansas and seemingly all
over the world...

Jan 02 Arkansas
game officials probe mystery of falling birds
Jan 03 Dead
fish cover 20-miles of Arkansas River
Jan 04 'Stress
event' blamed after birds rain from sky
Jan 04 Louisiana
Latest Place to Rain Dead Birds
to do with the Royal Wedding coming up on April 29? Sounds
absurd, but the answer is "everything." More
or less. Which also implies some serious "earthshaking" or as I'd like
to call it a "Birthquake," per my previous declaration...
...the cosmic
significance of the Royal Engagement and Wedding which will
be one of the biggest events in 2011. So significant is it,
in fact, that you are going to find that it's quite
literally 'earthshaking', big time, this one.
A preview
of the preview flashed in the October 8, 2009 episode of FlashForward... which
a flock of
crows falls from the sky at the time of the mysterious
"Global Blackout" event during which people all over the world
have "flashforward" visions of their lives as they
will exist on April
29, 2010 AKA "FlashForward

In 2011, April
29 = Royal
Wedding Day. No
earthquake there per se, but for that we go to The
Core... a bona-fide "Underworld"
movie also containing a fairly long bird collision/death scene during the
opening sequence which takes place in London and
woven into the whole scene is a double-decker bus which at one point flashes
the magic number "429" as in "4/29" or "April
to these the fact that The Core as a whole tells a story of extreme earth changes
caused by a secret military
"earthquake machine" dubbed "Project DESTINI" (Deep Earth Seismic
Trigger INItiative)... I think you can see why (though this is only one of many
reasons) I've been emphasizing for months now the potentiality of the
"Big One Birthquake" (San Andreas Fault, US west coast, Ring of Fire, and so
forth) for 2011 in conjunction with the "Day of Destiny" (4/29). [Note:
In case you're wondering, I started paying attention to both The
Core and FlashForward, highlighting them repeatedly down in the
Underground/STRUG restricted area, back in November. Pattern-wise we
were very much ahead of the curve on this.] To top it
all off, in Arkansas and apparently most other places which had similar
incidents of birds falling from the sky, they were mostly "Red-winged Blackbirds" scientifically
known as Agelaius phoeniceus. As noted by a reader,
"phoeniceus" stems from the same root as "phoenix"! The phoenix embodies that which "Rises from the
Underworld" a la the Chilean mine rescue where a capsule/elevator dubbed "The Phoenix"
miraculously brought up all 33
miners out of the abyss safely as the whole world watched... multicontextually foreshadowing the Wedding/Rise
of Prince William (among other things) who in turn is simulating the Resurrection
of King Arthur, interchangeable with the Rebirth of
the Phoenix. (See previous posts for all that.) It was a major "pentagrammic"
event... (Note: "Core"/"Kore" is another name for
Persephone the Greek goddess of the Underworld and is
closely associated with the pentagram.) 
We are quickly
approaching the next such pentagrammic point - the first one
of 2011 -
coming up around January 8th.

While I'm not
expecting the "Birthquake" there (or on April 29 for that
matter), we should see an unmistakable "signal" that
should continue the ongoing pattern/communication.
Jan 08:
Giffords shot in Tucson
explodes into "second
sun" ("two sun"/Tucson) at
end of Arthur C. Clarke's "2010: The Year We
Make Contact" (sequel
to "2001"), dubbed "Lucifer"
(in book version) |


mission to Jupiter in 2010 partly
dubbed "Phoenix"
(i.e. resurrecting HAL) |
(Giffords) from Tuscon,
= "two sun" = "Lucifer"
(in Arthur C. Clarke's "2010:
The Year We Make Contact"
Jupiter explodes into a second sun dubbed
married to NASA
shuttle astronaut - the film "The
Astronaut's Wife" is about extraterrestrial
capital = Phoenix;
Arizona flag
= pentagram
Jan 15
Update : David Bowman...
"Main" character in 2001/2010
is "Dr. David Bowman"
who is reborn as "Star-Child" before
Jupiter's "Lucifer" ("two-sun")
- First doctor at scene of Tucson/"two-sun"
shooting (going first to Congresswoman) was named "Dr.
David Bowman" [video
in hindsight - from JAN
5 post:
are quickly approaching the next such pentagrammic point -
the first one of 2011 - coming up around
January 8th.
...we should see an unmistakable 'signal' that
should continue the ongoing pattern/communication."
Jan 20: Almost
time for the next pentagrammic contact point, ~January 26-27, of
the solstice-aligned variety. Whereas the previous one
(equinox-aligned, giving us the Tucson shooting) was temporally anchored by the Venus inferior
conjunction (Oct 29) and such with main focus on Lucifer/Morning Star, this one stems directly from the Chile mine rescue, i.e. "Phoenix" out of the "Underground."
It has a very similar, interchangeable theme but with emphasis
slightly more on the royalty aspect of the narrative identifying Prince William as the "Morning Star King"
(i.e. Lucifer). No coincidence, in fact, that North (& South) Korea was
all over the news around the winter solstice; the country's heir presumptive (prince) Kim
Jong-un has the nickname
"Morning Star King" and his birthday
happens to be January 8 (Tucson tragedy).

good measure the Devil himself said "hi" on the winter
solstice, which actually makes a lot of multicontextual sense (see graphic
us wonder... Congresswoman Giffords is miraculously recovering from her
head wound in Tucson - near Phoenix (= resurrection) - as if to reenact
the tale of the Beast in the Book of Revelation who is described
as doing just that, miraculously recovering
from a severe head wound. Note that the shooter's last name "Loughner"
means "healer," which finds further resonance in the recent
Ophiuchus/"new Zodiac" buzz
on the web and in the mainstream news as Ophiuchus is normally identified
with Asclepius, a healer. Looking
ahead, a big event already scheduled for the window coming up (~Jan 26-27)
is Obama's State of the Union address on January 25 (where we may see more
"healing" gestures as the members of the two usually dueling
political parties may sit together this year, breaking tradition in
response to Tucson). Apart from the seating arrangement, my main interest
there (for now) would be to see if the customary GOP response speech
coming right after
the presidential address will be delivered by one Marco Rubio from
Florida. He's someone I'm watching very closely (since November) just as I
did with Obama starting in 2004 and also Palin starting just days after
her debut (i.e. projecting her 2012 presidential ambition). Rubio
may well be picked to run as the Republican vice presidential candidate in
2012... a possibility made more realistic if he gave the GOP response
speech on January 25.
Jan 21: Nope, it's gonna be Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) who will
do the GOP rebuttal. Interesting. Regardless, Rubio should
be watched closely over the next two presidential
election cycles. He can still say "hi" to the
nation in January 2012 doing the rebuttal then.]
generally speaking, however, based on the pattern we've seen thus far we
should be on the lookout in the main for "Morning Star King"
tip to readers Nick, Barley, XH, et al.]

Detailed explanation
Feb 07: Super
Bowl, "2012," and "pole shift"... somehow woven
together by Wisconsin.
based in Green Bay, Wisconsin.]

Feb 06 Green
Bay Packers Win Super Bowl
somehow a motif in movie 2012]

cluster of "Wisconsin" events Jan-Feb 2011]
On Jan 14, 200
cows were found dead in Wisconsin
On Jan 23, Green Bay Packers from
Wisconsin advances to Super Bowl
On Jan 24, Oprah Winfrey revealed
her long lost sister who lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
On Jan 25, Obama
hails "Sputnik moment" in State of the Union speech
(piece of
Soviet's Sputnik 4 fell in Wisconsin in
1962); customary Republican response to SOTU speech delivered by
congressman from Wisconsin (Paul Ryan)
On Jan 26, Obama's first
visit/speech after his SOTU speech in Manitowoc, Wisconsin
where piece of Sputnik 4 fell in 1962
On Jan 26, American Idol
episode in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
On Feb 06, Green Bay Packers from
Wisconsin wins
Super Bowl
* *
The next
pentagrammic window is around February 11-12, coming directly
from Jan 8 Tucson shooting (Giffords) and with the consistent
theme so far of Venus/Morning Star/Lucifer.
I will do a more thorough
review of the previous penta window (~Jan 26-27) which gave rise to
the Egyptian uprising (still unfolding) probably after Feb 12. It's
more meaningful than you realize...
13: As promised, a new article "Risen
in Egypt"... to fill in the gaps. Should answer a lot of
questions, most notably how the Egyptian Revolution ties in with the
"Morning Star/Lucifer out of the Underworld" motif which it does
indeed quite dramatically.
19: Even more 2012-esque now (than before)
with the Sun
& Wisconsin erupting simultaneously
this week...

Feb 16
Thousands protest Wisconsin anti-union bill Feb 17
Mega Solar Flare Fuels Earthly Disruption and Light Shows Feb 17
Solar Flare: Communications, Grids Could Be Disrupted
Feb 18
Democrats flee Wisconsin Senate to slow anti-union bill
Feb 18 Union
showdowns spread across the country
Feb 18 Tea
Party to rally for Wisconsin anti-union bill
Feb 19 Lawmaker:
Gov's plan has torn Wisconsin apart
motif noted on Feb 7 before protests began there]

(film) we see powerful solar flares heating up the
earth's core (a la The Core already
discussed) and moving the south magnetic pole to Wisconsin.]

The timing here is
important. Without going into detail, let's just say we'll like have an
"interesting" - very interesting - Easter/Resurrection sequence
this year peaking mid/late April (in a way stemming from last year's Deepwater
Horizon opening a "portal" into the "underworld"). The Royal
Wedding is naturally part of it along with the theoretical "Birthquake"
but not exclusively so. The sequence may begin as early as early- March. That's
it for now on that.
26: Coming up next in our pentachronometric sequence...

- Apple
to introduce "iPad 2" on Mar 2
- Apple introduced iPad on Jan 27, '10
- Successive pentachronometric hits
- iPad dimensions = pentagrammic
- Apple core = pentagram-shaped |
pentachronometric progressions]

(Gaddafi removal or some
other major development in Libya around March 2-3? It would fit the
pattern quite well.)
Mar 07: UPDATED...
. |
Progressions |
Solstice-aligned |
Equinox-aligned |
Solstice-aligned |
2-3 window |
Lucifer, NASA
alien & two suns |
sequence |

Mar 02 Steve
Jobs shows up (resurrected) for iPad 2 release
Mar 02 Steve
Jobs' surprise appearance a 'big deal'

Mar 3/4 China's
'Two Suns' Video Unexplained By Science

Mar 4/5 NASA
scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite
Mar 4/5 Life
in meteorites? Study stirs debate