via Earthquakes
Stargate Activation 2010
27, 2010
by Goro ( &
Enki works in
mysterious ways. He sees the angles. He sees the alignments. He
understands space. He understands time. It's '2010' and he comes in
peace. Contact via earthquakes... This is it. This is how it begins...
- Chile Alignment...
Behold, the
Earth-Shaker opens the Pentagonal Stargate...
The pentagram is
the symbol of Venus. Venus is the goddess/planet of love. Love in many
languages is amor. Amor is the reverse of Roma. As they say, all
roads lead to Rome. Even the pentagram. The Pentagonal Contact
Sequence started back on April 6, 2009 near Rome...
Orbitally reversed
and it becomes Megafault
starring Brittany Murphy (who had an Italian father linked to
the mob)...
...whose untimely
death marked the winter solstice 2009
at the apex of the pentagonal 'V' apex.
'Vs' of course
come in peace...
...through a
Pentagonal Stargate
...and an
= Rome in leg-shaped Italy...
= Pacific (= 'peace') Ring
of Fire...
Chile is
in the Ring of Peace/'V'...
And 'V' is
right before the 'V' premiere (Nov 3, 2009)
via Balloon Boy on Oct 15...
...which was
orbitally 'stereo aligned' with Feb 25-26,
or the Chile 'Big One' (Feb 27).
Contact via earthquakes = Contact
with V = Contact with Peace = Contact
with Love (Rome, Venus) = Contact via Pentagram
All in the 'Big One' space-time
geometric overlay...
And that's how Contact is being made in 2010.
Just the
tip of the iceberg.
* *
those new here, please note that this strange thing that I do on
this website is not the typical hindsight-driven dot connecting
stuff that you may have seen out there. Here, much emphasis is
placed on foresight. I regularly make predictions or
multicontextual pattern projections to demonstrate that it is
something very real - albeit 'impossible' according to the current
paradigm - that I discuss and try to show again and again. So, for
instance, even though I decided not to bring it up in the main text
of the article purely for readabililty, both the April 2009
Italian earthquake and the January 2010 Haiti 'Big One' were, to a
considerable degree, projected beforehand. (See here
& here
- the latter not including STRUG entries thus appearing less
impressive than what was actually going on 'underground' projection-wise.)
Even the latest Chile mega-quake was no surprise around here (especially
on STRUG) - evidenced by the fact that I was able to quickly write
up and post this article within 24 hours of the catastrophe. For
many months, in fact, I kept highlighting the Vancouver Olympics
(Feb 12-28) and its general timeframe, based on various patterns, in
particular the following golden/phi-based timecode which had 'Big
One' (mega-quake) written all over it.
surprisingly, there was to be further twists which I was able to
closely follow, leading me to make a necessary adjustment just in
time for (i.e. before) the early-January quakes including
Haiti. (I haven't yet fully explained what caused me to make the
adjustment but that it was a valid move is obviously not in
question.) After Haiti, the status of the February 2010 window
became uncertain - was it still radioactive or had it released all
its energy in January? We now know the answer: Another small time
shift, another 'Big One' (this time in Chile), coming the day before
the closing ceremony of the 'V Olympics' instead of the opening
ceremony. And it was decidedly pentagonal in nature. This is
important because in addition to what's already been discussed the
pentagram is nearly synonymous with (i.e. found encoded in its
geometry) the golden ratio, i.e. '1 : 1.618', therefore linking back
to the phi-based timecode above.
* *
To be