Rex Deux
Resurrection of the Dragons
By Goro Adachi
March 11, 2002
What the...
Very much aware of the symbolic significance of the
Salt Lake City Winter Olympic Games as discussed in The Labour of the Sun,
I sat down on the night of February 24 to watch its closing ceremony, an openly
ritualistic event, to see if there was any 'clue dropping'. Having recognized the
existence of an esoteric undercurrent in the opening ceremony, I was curious as to what
kind of encoded 'message' might be present in the second 'ritual'. Of course, my view is
that reality itself is an encoded message, or a 'game', so this was not anything new; I'm
always scanning for clues. But high-impact world events, accidental or not, I have
observed, are usually symbolic expressions of important themes that underlie physical
phenomena that surround us, hence my special interest in the international event of the
As the two gigantic T-Rex's at the Olympic stadium
were shown on the TV screen, I inevitably went 'what the...' I mean, these were clearly
out of place and, simply, bizarre (not to say scary). Of course, the exoteric
justification (= 'excuse') was probably that the general region of Utah has large deposits
of dinosaur remains, but still those dinosaurs had almost no apparent relevance to the
themes of the ceremony and were just... bizarre. To me, this was a 'Hermetic device'
having the function of prompting questions consciously or subconsciously. This, in other
words, was potentially a 'clue' planted, again consciously or subconsciously, by some
Messianic Resurrection
Later in the show, the dinosaurs were revealed to be
operated from behind the walls (not really, but that was the story line) by the Osmond
brother and sister singing 'We Are Family!...' By this time, I began to get the
gist of the shrouded 'message'. T-Rex's are 'kings', as rex means 'king' and they
were certainly the king of dinosaurs. And since the term 'dinosaur' means 'terrible
lizard', the T-Rex could easily be considered a 'terrible king', or 'King of terror' a
la Quatrain X-72 discussed in previous articles.
Century X-72
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.
The year 1999 seven months,
From the sky will come a great King of terror:
To resurrect the great King of Angolmois,
Before after Mars to reign by good luck
At the Olympic stadium in Salt Lake City, then, the
'King of terror' was symbolically 'resurrected' to accord with my previous interpretation
that this quatrain, in conjunction with II-41 etc., relates to the 9/11 event and the
Winter Olympic Games. Note that this 'King' of the Olympics could also easily be viewed as
the 'King of the Rings' -- as the Games are symbolized by the familiar multi-colored five
rings -- which may be rephrased as the 'Lord of the Rings'. And The Lord of the Rings
is a phrase very much fresh on people's minds today because of the very popular film by
the same title that came out late 2001 after the 9/11 event (it was the first of the
trilogy, so it's an on-going project). [Update: the second
volume/installment of The Lord of the Rings is titled 'The Two
Towers' (!) and the third 'The Return of the King' --
needless to say, the correspondence is incredible.] This curious coincidence is compounded by the fact
that, in Greek mythology, it is Prometheus, the provider of fire and a version of
Saturn-Osiris, that would be considered the 'lord of the ring', as we read that:
Finally [Hercules] reached the Caucasus Mountains,
where Prometheus had been fettered for thirty years... Zeus had long repented of his
punishment, because Prometheus had since sent him a kindly warning not to marry Thetis,
lest he might beget one greater than himself; and now, when Hercules pleaded for
Prometheus's pardon, granted this without demur. Having once, however, condemned him to
everlasting punishment, Zeus stipulated that, in order still to appear a prisoner, he must
wear a ring made from his chains and set with Caucasian stone - and this was the first
ring ever to contain a setting... Mankind now began to wear rings in Prometheus's
honour... (Robert Graves, The Greek Myths, 133.l-m)
This event, remarkably, is said have taken place
during Hercules' journey of the '11th labor', i.e. the very labor we have linked to the
current world events, including the Olympics (see The Labour of the Sun).
Note also that the Salt Lake City Games had a very Promethean official
slogan/theme, 'Light the Fire Within'.
But here we need to take into consideration the idea
of 'family' musically attached to the kingly dinosaurs. A 'royal family' -- was this the
implication? Or, since the 'King of terror' has been equated with Osiris (see Labour),
was it an allusion more specifically to the messianic family, i.e. the family of
Jesus, the biblical Osiris? To use Christian terminology, it was a symbolic 'Second
Coming''. This association is intriguing as it has been said that Jesus was crucified on a
T-shaped cross (the 'tau') (Christopher Knight, et al, The Hiram Key, pp.241-2),
and thus Jesus, the 'King of the Jews', may be described congruently as a 'T-king', that
is, 'T-Rex'. And then there is the intriguing fact that the messianic bloodline, signified
in medieval literature by the Holy Grail (Sangraal, which can also be translated
as 'Blood Royal'), is entangled with the myths of the 'Ring', including The Lord of
the Rings:
J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings is
one of the most enchanting and successful tales of all time. First issued in the 1950s,
this famous trilogy could just as well have emanated from the Dark Ages or medieval times,
for it has all the qualities and attributes of the most ancient Grail and Ring traditions.
(Laurence Gardner, Realm of the Ring Lords, p.1)
To express it esoterically, then, it was an allusion
to the return of the wounded 'Fisher King', or King Arthur, the medieval Osirian-messianic
character who is inseparable form the Grail romances. It is fitting that the Gaelic word uther,
from which the name 'Arthur' apparently derives, means 'terrible' (according to Gardner)
and Arthur's father was called 'Uther Pendragon' (actually a title) which would mean
'Terrible head of Dragons' (though it has also been translated as 'Wonderful head of
Dragons'). The 'terrible dragons' are, of course, clearly evocative of the dinosaurs, the
'terrible lizards'. Traditionally, 'dragons' are associated with kingship and
crocodiles/serpents; in ancient Egypt, for example, pharaohs were anointed with the fat of
the holy crocodile, or 'Meseh' from which derives the term 'Messiah', i.e.
Jesus/Osiris. Correspondingly, Osiris' death is associated with a crocodile in Egyptian
tradition (E.A. Wallis Budge, The Gods of the Egyptians, vol.II, p.358).
Deux Dieux
The messianic family, stemming from Davidic royal
lineage and the offspring of Jesus and Mary Magdalene (i.e. Sangraal) according
to esoteric tradition, is said to carry the title, Rex Deus, meaning 'King of
God' (see Marilyn Hopkins, et al, Rex Deus, 2000). Now, it is curious to notice
here that the term 'Deus' (God) closely resembles the word for 'two' in various European
languages. As Boyd Rice writes:
The Latin word for God, Deus, seems to retain a
vestige of the ancient understanding of the dual nature of deity. In many languages, the
word denoting "Two" has either a spelling or a sound very similar to the word Deus,
for instance, deux, dos, dua, deuce, and so forth. This
becomes even more explicit when examining the specific terms some of the countries apply
to God. For example, the French Dieu [or its plural form, Dieux] echoes deux
(two) very closely, and the Spanish Dios is derived from the word dos by the
mere addition of an "I." (
This would then nicely relate to the two
T-Rex's of the Olympics and the biblical 'T-Rex', Jesus, being a twin (Judas Thomas/Twin
was almost certainly Jesus' twin brother, based on non-canonical sources such as the Acts
of Thomas). And, of course, we are reminded here of the twin nature of
Hercules, antediluvian pillars, the Sphinx/Horus and such -- underlying all of which is
the notion of the Sun/Ark/lion, as explained in The Labour of the Sun. (In terms
of Nostradamus -- who, by the way, may well have been a member of 'Rex Deus' -- this motif
is potently expressed in our 'two suns' quatrain, II-41.) Indeed, Rex Deus, or the
Messianic bloodline, is Davidic which in turn means the bloodline is of the 'lion
king' -- as the tribal symbol of King David's, Judah, was the lion. Moreover, the Davidic
'Fisher King' is called in Arthurian literature Anfortas (in fortis)
meaning 'in strength', which is also the Latin name for one of the two pillars of the
Temple of Jerusalem (i.e. the 'Boaz' pillar). These twin pillars are a version of the
antediluvian/Atlantean pillars, the New World version of which was destroyed on 9/11/01.
The Catholic theologian Margaret Starbird writes:
The name of this [Boaz] pillar, which is also the name
of the ancestor of King David, is a clear and obvious reference to the promises made to
the Davidic bloodline, the line of the princes of Judah, that the dominion of its princes
would be established forever "in strength," since Judah was the strongest
of the twelve sons of Israel's patriarch Jacob. The name Anfortas is thus associated with
the broken left pillar of the Temple of Jerusalem, which is symbolic of the broken Davidic
succession... [T]he "Fisher King" Anfortas -- that is, the Davidic
"Fish-King" Jesus -- can be healed only when the Grail is restored... (The
Woman With the Alabaster Jar, p.86)
The reference to the broken succession/pillar here is
interesting as it potentially relates to the fact that the Great Sphinx is missing its
'twin' and also to the darkening of the sun (= lion/sphinx/Fisher King) on the day
Jesus/Osiris died as per tradition.
All combined, we can derive the symbolic implication
that the two towering T-Rex's signified the resurrection of the messianic king, or
Osiris-Horus, the fall of which was earlier expressed by the destruction of the WTC twin
towers on 9/11.
Proof of the Vikings
Let's take a look at Quatrain VI-97 which I have
repeatedly correlated with the world events of our own time including the 9/11 attacks.
Century VI-97
Cinq & quarante degrez ciel bruslera
Feu approcher de la grand cite' neuue
Instant grand flamme esparse sautera
Quand on voudra des Normans faire preuue.
Forty five [or 'five and forty'] degrees the
sky will burn,
Fire to approach the great new city
In an instant a great scattered flame will
leap up,
When they want to have proof of the Normans.
This quatrain's relevance to 9/11 and related events
can be summarized as follows. First, 'five and forty' (cinq
& quarante) of Line 1, if interpreted as 40.5, would correspond to
the latitude of New York City where the WTC towers stood. And NYC is insinuated by Line 2
mentioning 'the great new city'. The abundant references to burning fire, needless to say,
evoke the burning towers still hauntingly fresh on our mind. (The "great scattered
flame" is actually even evocative of the grand firework show of the Olympic
ceremonies.) What is most remarkable, however, is the implication of Line 4: 'When one
will want to want proof of the Normans'.
"Normans" is essentially another name for the Vikings
(or 'Norsemen'). "Viking," in turn, was the name given to the twin
space probes NASA sent to Mars in 1976 (Viking 1 & 2). This Viking
mission made the very first successful landing on the Red Planet and, more significantly,
it gave us the first pictures of the potentially artificial "monuments of Mars"
at Cydonia, an issue still very much controversial and relevant today. This association is
particularly important here because the Cydonia region of the 'fire planet' is
situated approximately at 5°W. 40°N. -- that is, "five and forty"!
The 'monuments' themselves are located on latitude 40.5-41°N., which happens to be the
very latitude of NYC _and_ Salt Lake City! As if these weren't enough, the most
prominent features of the Cydonia complex are the popular 'Face' and the geometrically
sound 'D&M Pyramid'. The
'Face', as revealed/confirmed in 2001, is of dual nature, having a
hominid side and a leonine side, just as does the Sphinx (= sun, Hercules, 'Fisher King')
which has a body of the lion and a head of man. (The connection between the two is
corroborated by the fact that the tangent of Cydonia's latitude equals the cosine of the
latitude of Giza/Sphinx, both equaling e/pi.) The partially collapsed
'D&M Pyramid', on the other hand, is pentagonal -- echoed by the U.S.
Pentagon partially destroyed in the 9/11 attacks.
Line 4, 'When
one will want to have proof of the [Vikings]', then, would have the implication of people wanting to know the truth
about Cydonia and/or more generally about the existence of life on Mars. And, sure enough,
presently around the turn of the millennium we are rapidly getting more evidence
indicative of the existence of past/present life, as well as intelligently designed
structures, on the Red Planet. (Most recently, the Mars Odyssey spacecraft gave us, on 3/1/02, more evidence of
water on Mars, more pictures of strikingly artificial-looking features, and amazing
confirmation of Richard Hoagland's 'Mars Tidal Model' which I consider a brilliant piece
of work.)
As it turns out, the 'Norman/Viking' reference also
nicely brings together 9/11 and 'Rex Deus' as we learn that the Viking leader,
Rollo (Hrolf), came to France and obtained Normandy (becoming the first Duke of
Normandy) in _911_ AD. And Rollo, interestingly enough, was genealogically linked
to the 'Rex Deus' clan:
[Rollo] extended his lands by conquest and his
influence by alliance and marriage with the leading aristocratic families of the time. He
sought to establish strong bonds with the local aristocracy and, in particular,
matrimonial links with dynasties of the Rex Deus tradition, such as the families of
Chaumont, Gisors, d'Evreaux, Blois, the Counts of Champagne and the ruling House of
Flanders, whose younger sons were the Counts of Boulogne. Was he [Rollo himself] also Rex
Deux, from a family outside the confines of early Christian Europe? (Hopkins, et al,
Rex Deus, p.107)
From this angle, the phrase 'When one will want to
have proof of the Normans' would come to mean 'when people become aware, and want
proof/'resurrection', of 'Rex Deus' or the 'Grail'/messianic bloodline -- that is, our own
Now, the 'resurrection' of this hidden
bloodline/tradition would also imply the fall of the Church as its existence today is the
result of the Roman Empire 'hijacking' the 'Fisher King' tradition. The Catholic Church or
Papacy, in other words, is just a poser on the throne with no legitimacy what so ever. The
'king' is naked and the people have been too conditioned and timid to openly acknowledge
this awkward fact. When the true 'Fisher King' is publicly acknowledged, therefore, it
would automatically leave the Church and its manipulative doctrine nowhere to go but down.
This situation brings us back to Quatrain II-41, the 'two suns' prophecy already applied
to the current events, the last line of which indicates the fall/shift of the papacy: "When
the great pontiff changes his abode."
In The Labour of the Sun was discussed how
Quatrain II-41 pertains to 9/11, the 'King of terror' (Fisher King), and the inevitable
end of the reign of Pope John Paul II, the 'Labor of the Sun' pope, in the near future.
Since writing the article, it came to my attention that there is one particular date that
may be seen as a window through which the smoldering archetypal story line could
potentially manifest itself physically because of intense symbolic convergence. The date
in question is May 1st -- i.e. 'May Day'. First, notice that just as the date '9-11'
numerically had the implication of emergency ('911' being the emergency phone number),
'May Day' is similarly the international radiotelephone code used for indicating trouble
and requesting help. Second, in Europe May Day is Labor Day which in the United
States is celebrated in September (the month of 9/11) -- 'labor' being a code word for
Pope JPII, as well as Hercules' 11th Labor that has been found to closely relate to 9/11
and Prometheus along with his fire and ring. May Day, in fact, is also the festival of
Belenus, the Celtic god of fire and the sun, and a pagan festival of
rebirth and renewal. The first day of May, therefore, is a time with strong 9/11 resonance
and particularly relevant to the 'Labor of the Sun', i.e. Pope JPII, though I am not ready
to predict that the papacy will actually suffer a loss on that date.
Update: According US
intelligence sources, as reported
by The Washington Times (May 13), Islamic terrorists were
planning to attack a nuclear power plant and this "was initially
scheduled for May 1..." So, there indeed was a high
potential for a 9/11-related major incident on May Day 2002.
Echoes of Lost Paradise
Dinosaurs, the kings of the earth at the time, were
suddenly wiped out about 65 million years ago. Rocks from outer space, it is often
theorized, hit the earth and devastated all life upon the surface. Quite recently, Tom Van
Flandern (formerly the Chief of the Celestial Mechanics Branch of
the U.S. Naval Observatory) put forward the theory that it was the 'explosion' of what he
calls 'Planet V' between Earth's orbit and the Asteroid Belt (which is the remnant of the
theoretical 'Planet K' that exploded about 250 million years ago) that caused the
extinction of the dinosaurs. The planet Mars, in this radical model, was formerly a
satellite of Planet V that survived the catastrophe and became an independent planet.
Richard Hoagland's more recent 'Mars Tidal Model' was an extension of Flandern's 'Exploded
Planet Hypothesis', and so the new data from the Mars Odyssey probe just released
3/1/02 that dramatically corroborated Hoagland's theory was also confirmatory evidence for
Flandern's. By inference, then, it may be postulated that those dinosaurs -- analogous to
the 'King of terror', 'Fisher King', etc. -- and the Red Planet have an inseparable
historical connection.
The reader may recall that I have previously
stressed the intense correlation that exists between the 9/11-related events and the
destruction of the antediluvian world, 'Atlantis', in connection with Mars/Cydonia. Here,
then, we have the implication that there also is a link between the prehistoric
'dragons' and Atlantis. Remarkably, this strange association actually resonates well with
the fact that in ancient traditions the angelic wisdom-providers of the antediluvian
paradise, including Osiris, are usually associated with the serpent, i.e. 'dragons'. The
coherence is intensified when it is added that the essence of Osiris was equated in
ancient Egyptian theology with the Benben Stone (the capstone of the pyramid/obelisk)
which in turn was, or represented, a meteorite -- i.e. a rock from outer space (Planet V).
Correspondingly, we may recall that, in Mystery, Babylon the
Great, the antediluvian tower (Babel) and the Osirian 'fallen angels' (Nephilim)
were found to be the embodiment of a heavenly stone. And to top it off, the
Nephilim were 'fallen ones' (as in fallen meteorites), and were also called awwin
denoting 'serpents' (as in dragons/dinosaurs) and gibborim meaning 'strong ones'
(as in Davidic 'Fisher Kings'). The messianic association is echoed strongly by the Holy
Grail/Blood Royal: in Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival from around 1200, the
Grail is called lapsit exillis which, as lapis ex caelis, means 'stone
from the heavens'!
So we now have entangled themes involving dinosaurs,
Exploded Planet Hypothesis, Mars, Atlantis, heavenly stone, messianic tradition... What
does this all mean? While I have my own hypotheses, it is wise at this time to just wonder
about it rather than force a shortsighted and linearly conceived conclusion out of the
partially disjointed pieces of the puzzle. I have faith in the idea of 'if you ask, the
answer will come'. This appears to be how the 'game' is played 'down here'. Truth requires
patience, and patience here requires unwavering respect for truth.
I'd like to
end this article by pointing out that the next Winter Olympic Games (2006) will be held in
Turin, Italy. Turin is the home of the single most important and controversial relic
associated with Jesus -- the Shroud of Turin, the linen cloth in which Jesus was
supposedly wrapped after the crucifixion. On the Shroud is seen, somehow, a seemingly
photographic image of Jesus. While ostensibly a Christian relic, the Shroud has much to do
with the esoteric 'underground' tradition that aligns with the 'Fisher King' rather than
with Pauline counterfeit Christianity headed by the Papacy. Indeed, the Shroud first
surfaced soon after the suppression of the medieval warrior-monks, the Knights Templar,
who were accused, among other things, of worshipping a strange head -- which may well have
been the head portion of the Shroud. The first known owner of the relic, Geoffrey de
Charney, is in fact thought to be the nephew of Geoffroi de Charney, the Templar preceptor
of Normandy who was burned to death with Jacques de Molay, the last Templar Grand Master.
And some have theorized, with good reason, that the Shroud was actually created by
Leonardo Da Vinci who has been claimed to have been Grand Master of the Priory of Sion,
supposedly the parental organization behind the Templar order (see Lynn Picknett, et al, Turin
Shroud). The Priory of Sion, extensively discussed in the groundbreaking book Holy
Blood, Holy Grail (1982), is practically analogous, or attached, to 'Rex Deus'. This
combined with the fact that the Templar knights in the Grail lore are depicted as the
guardians of the Holy Grail/Blood Royal which, in theory (based on "heretical"
traditions), stemmed from the dynastic 'Sacred Marriage' between Jesus and Mary Magdalene,
it may be inferred that the Shroud is in a sense a form of the Grail which in turn
represents the hidden messianic succession.
Is it just a coincidence that Turin, the very place
where this 'Rex Dues' relic rests, has been selected for the next Winter Olympics?
Perhaps. But consider the following. Turin is at latitude 45°N. so as to echo the opening
line of the 'Olympic/Martian quatrain', VI-97 ('Forty five degrees the sky will burn').
The last line of the same quatrain, 'When they want to have proof of the Normans',
may also now denote 'when people want to find out the truth about the origin of
Christianity, about the suppressed messianic legacy, and about the true nature of the
Turin Shroud which was first possessed, as far as we know, by the 'Normans' (i.e. the
Templar Master of Normandy). The Shroud even resonates with 9/11. The relic, as
well as Leonardo/Priory of Sion, is associated with John the Baptist as it is, for
example, kept at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Turin. And the saint's birthday
was celebrated on the summer solstice just as the date 9/11 corresponded in the early
Christian times to the original summer solstice day of the ancient Egyptian
Also, the demonstrated Martian/Cydonian nature of
Quatrain VI-97 incites the thought that the head imprinted on the Shroud might relate to
the more or less similar-looking 'Face on Mars'. This is clearly a silly notion -- except
there are various clues that are supportive of it. This leads into an area that overlaps
my 'other' research that I do not want to discuss yet. But I'll just mention two curious
coincidences: the Shroud is called sydoine/sindone/sindon in
other languages ('Cydonia' anyone?), and John the Baptist was decapitated and his severed
head became an object/idea of great esoteric importance. This is only a small hint. I
don't want to open Pandora's Box yet... :) But I will say that Mars/Cydonia anomalies and
the Grail-Ark-Shroud-Fisher King theme are to merge in a startlingly direct and elegant
The Quest for the Grail is an interplanetary saga.
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