Ritual 2012
Enterprise & the Dragon Gate
by Goro
( &
May 25, 2012

On June 4-6, 2012, we
are likely going to see the oldest member of the
space shuttle fleet, Enterprise,
gets towed up the Hudson River to its
final resting place, the Intrepid Sea, Air &
Space Museum, on the
West Side of Manhattan. [Update: Dates
shifted to June 3-6.] Most are totally
unaware of this, but it will be a terrestrial
reflection of the Transit
of Venus simultaneously taking
place in the sky on June 5-6. All carefully
arranged to produce an exquisite instance of "as
above, so below"...

When it happens, Enterprise will enter the Hudson
River through its mouth at the southern tip of
Manhattan where we can visualize a "gate" flanked
by the Statue of Liberty and the World
Trade Center where the Twin Towers once
stood. The arrangement neatly reflects the
celestial gate around the Galactic Anticenter
flanked by the constellations Orion and
Gemini. The Milky Way is a
(celestial) river like the
Hudson; Orion
is a "torch bearer" (summer
solstice Sun = Orion torch) like the Statue
of Liberty; and Gemini
is the "Twins" like the
Twin Towers.
Sun above, Enterprise below. Through a Galactic
gate above, through a Hudson gate below. It's a
mirror uniting heaven and earth.

To go back in time a little, the "ritual" started
back on April 27 when Enterprise flew
into the Big Apple mounted atop a Boeing 747
precisely when Venus achieved its "greatest
brilliancy" as the Evening Star.
The coincidence implied underlying awareness of
the upcoming Transit of Venus which will be the
time of least brilliancy when Venus
becomes a black dot on the face of the Sun (June
5-6) with no sunlight reflected toward Earth.

As the graph shows, Venus is currently growing
increasingly dimmer which will continue until
early June. Then after the transit, Venus will be
"reborn" as the Morning Star - or "Lucifer"
- appearing on the other side of the Sun at dawn,
growing brighter and higher everyday until it
peaks around mid July.
UPDATE May 27: The
peak on the other side mid July will roughly
coincide with Enterprise debuting at the
Intrepid museum as an official exhibit,
completing its correlation with the Venus
----- end
update -----
As regular readers should know, when we talk
about Venus and particularly the Morning Star, we
are also automatically talking about Prince
William and/or the trinity of
William-Kate-baby. The two go hand in hand,
heavily entangled as explained many times before.
And so it should come as no surprise that the
latest timeline of Venus lines up well with that
of the British Royal Family: April 29 (Venus
greatest brilliancy) was the first anniversary of
the Royal Wedding; June 3-7 (Venus/Enterprise
Transit) is the Queen's Official Birthday (Jun 4)
and Diamond Jubilee celebrations (Jun 4-7
3-5); the summer solstice (Orion torch) coincides
with Prince William's birthday; and in late July
(under a very bright Morning Star/light-bearer)
the Olympic Torch arrives in London for the 2012
In terms of Earth's orbit around the
Sun, April 27 (Enterprise arriving in
the Big Apple) was a pentagram (apple
core) apex window...

The pentagram is a geometric signature of
Venus, making perfect sense in the current context.
And the apple has the additional effect of
pointing back to the British Royal Family via King
Arthur whose Holy Grail (San Greal)
or "Royal Blood" (Sang Real) is of
critical importance to the whole matter of kingship
in Britain. The Jacobite bloodline of Prince William
and his upcoming baby has much to do with the
underlying theme of this period we are in, i.e. the
"Return/Rebirth of King Arthur" interchangeable
with "Lucifer/Phoenix Resurrection" and
such. (See my article "Lucifer's
Destiny" for more on the topic.) If King
Arthur is to "return", it would be from Avalon where
the Once and Future King is thought resting in
hibernation. The name "Avalon", it turns out, means
Also worth noting, King Arthur's
court was called Camelot which became a
popular nickname of John F. Kennedy's
administration. On April 27, Enterprise
touched down at JFK International
Airport... in the Big Apple.
Another telling "clue" is how Arthur (and
his father Uther) as the king of the Britons
bore the title "Pendragon", meaning "head
dragon". The significance here is a
temporal one, as 2012 happens to be the
Chinese Year of the Water Dragon.
* * *
In (producer) J. J. Abrams' 2008 film Cloverfield,
a " water dragon" (sea monster) mauls the
island of Manhattan (Big Apple) and in
the process decapitates the Statue of
Liberty as shown in the poster which is
deliberately evocative of 9/11 ( Twin Towers destruction)
and shows a perfect view of the " Hudson gate"
(Statue-WTC) where Enterprise will be
sailing through early June.
This is no coincidence especially if you
consider the fact that during Cloverfield's
peaceful beginning and ending scenes , we
can clearly see a time stamp on the video
footage displaying the date " April 27"
- the exact date of Enterprise arriving in NYC.

["April 27"]
Then during the movie's main
content which is nothing but the water
dragon attacking Manhattan, we can see
that all the chaos transpires on May 22-23.
As far as
synchronicity goes this is just
fascinating as it was precisely on May 22 this
year that a fiery Dragon roared into
the sky and made big headlines around the world.
This was, course, SpaceX's successful
launching of the "Dragon" spacecraft!
The success of
the SpaceX mission signaled a whole new phase of
the space age, the
advent of commercial space
travel, as Dragon
was the first privately owned spacecraft
to attempt and successfully rendezvous with the
ISS (=> Isis => Lady Liberty). This was a
major sign of things to come and we should be
paying a lot of attention especially to its
symbology, as reality works in such a way that
special occasions like this - key time
markers/changers - are always heavily encoded with
striking symbolism. No exception here as we find a
multitude of "clues" including the fact that the
rendezvous was "berthing" rather than
docking as if to insinuate "birthing". It's
particularly meaningful when combine with the
- The ancient Egyptian
goddess Isis (ISS) gives birth to falcon-headed
Horus who is essentially a resurrected
form of his father Osiris who in turn
is identified with the "torch-bearing"
constellation Orion.
- The Dragon spacecraft
was launched into space on a "Falcon
9" rocket for berthing/birthing.
You get the idea of the
"Birth of (the Age of) Horus", i.e. a new world.
And so essentially
humanity is
taking another small step and giant leap toward
becoming a fully spacefaring species, defying
gravity and venturing off planet. The floodgate is
wide open and a New World is being born... as was
back in the days of Columbus or Noah.
To be sure, we are still years away from
commercially sending human crew to the
ISS (and elsewhere in the solar system). The
SpaceX Dragon is part of NASA's COTS (Commercial
Orbital Transportation Services) program
launched in 2006 and managed by the space
agency's Commercial Crew and Cargo Program
Office or "C3PO" set up "to coordinate the
delivery of crew and cargo to the International
Space Station by private companies". The past
several years saw COTS doing a series of trials
to select two companies, SpaceX and Orbital
Sciences Corporation, for further funding and
contracts including CRS/Commercial Resupply
Services. What we are seeing right now is the
first fruition of these efforts partially funded
by NASA which is looking to save money, achieve
more efficiency via competition, and free up
time and resources to focus more on ambitious,
rather than routine, space missions.
The problem is, while the first resupply mission
(CRS) could come as early as later this year, a
related NASA program CCDev (Commercial Crew
Development) more narrowly focused on manned
missions ("a multiphase space technology
development program, intended to stimulate
development of privately operated crew vehicles
to low Earth orbit, aimed specifically at
developing crew rotation services") is lagging
behind due to Congress severely under-funding it
with the inevitable result of long delays that
are now leaving the US with no means to
domestically fly crew to the ISS after the
retirement of the shuttle fleet. As of now seven
private companies (4 funded by NASA, 3 not)
including SpaceX are developing vehicles under
CCDev but the most recent time table shows
transition to services projected somewhere
around 2017.
Be that as it may, a new era of space travel is
dawning as we speak and as part of the
encoded "clues" there was a "sign in the sky"
just 2 days before Dragon's launch in
the form of a "ring of fire" (annular)
solar eclipse traveling across the
Pacific Ocean from one edge of the geologic Ring
of Fire (active earthquake zone) to
the other. "Ring of fire" is a term sometimes
used to describe birth pain and
accordingly I've been referring to big
earthquakes in the Ring of Fire and elsewhere
depending on context as "Birthquakes" which
conveys the idea of contractions, water
breaking, and all that ugly wonderful
natural stuff preceding and accompanying birth.

"Ring of fire" also conjures
up imagery of the Olympic Rings and
the Olympic Torch together. Sure
enough, right on time the Olympic Torch
Relay commenced on May 19th, the
day before the "ring of fire"
noted by fellow sync watcher Alan
Abbadessa-Green, on May 25 two
multicontextually entangled events
happened at the same time:
- Historic berthing/birthing of
SpaceX Dragon at
ISS/space station
- Olympic Torch arriving in
Wales, a country identified with dragon
via flag (of Wales)
An important aspect of the Olympic symbolism
is that its flame represents the
forbidden fire that Prometheus, a
titan, stole from the gods and gave to
mankind which for better or for worse
kick-started an enterprise called
"history" or human civilization. The fire
is the Apple of Eden, the
forbidden knowledge or... seed/DNA.
It's the Holy Grail/Royal Blood that I see
heavily intertwined with Mars -
astrologically a " fire" planet -
i.e. Martian panspermia, Cydonia, "Face on
Mars" etc. or basically the same
multicontextual message continuing from
the 2004 Athens Olympics which roughly
coincided with the first
Venus Transit of the current
Seen in this context it makes perfect
sense that major Hollywood film Prometheus
- all about mankind's extraterrestrial
origin - is set to hit theaters early
June right around the time of the
Venus/Enterprise Transit and the Queen
Diamond Jubilee holidays ( June 1 in
the UK and June 8 in North
America). Not specifically "Martian" per
se, but its allusion to the "Face on
Mars" is made blatant enough in the
monolithic, bio-mechanical humanoid head
figuring quite prominently in the story.

Also important, the idea of commercial
space travels permeates the overall
setting as "Project Prometheus" in the
story is a long-time pet project
of a mega-corporation called Weyland
Industries which according to its
(fictional) website
"launched the first privatized industrial
mission to leave the planet Earth" in
2015. Shades of SpaceX and other C3PO-managed
companies which are right at this moment on
the cusp of revolutionizing mankind's
relationship with space.
The privatized space
industry is set to really take off and
change the world we live in. Space is opening
up to private enterprise, which is why
"Enterprise" and not the other shuttles
was chosen to play a central role in the
"Transit Ritual". There is a coherent
underlying message.
It's not just Enterprise, of
course. For instance, just days before
Enterprise flew into NYC and soon after
shuttle Discovery was flown to Washington DC
on April 17 (where it will be on permanent
display at the National Air and Space
Museum), a private company called Planetary
Resources supported by James Cameron and
other big names announced their plan to mine
asteroids for commercial purposes and to
"help ensure humanity's prosperity by
accessing the vast resources of space".
- April 17: Shuttle Discovery flown from
KSC/Florida to DC
- April 24: Planetary Resources announces
plan to mine asteroids
- April 27: Shuttle Enterprise flown from
This was mid-late April,
when the Sun was right above a
celestial "water dragon" called Cetus,
a Sea Monster/Whale constellation.

Weyland Industries was also a
company that made faster-than-light travel a
reality (2032) and introduced the world's
first FTL-capable space exploration vehicle
(2034). FTL implies time travel, and
that opens another can of worms.
* *
Not to be obsessed with films,
but the most iconic "time travel" movie of all
time is Planet of the Apes,
famous particularly for its shocking ending
scene where a partially buried Statue
of Liberty reveals to the main
character and the audience for the first time
that this terrible planet of apes is actually
Earth in the future.

This connection between the
Statue of Liberty and time travel brings to
light a whole new set of cross-confirming
associations with the inevitable implication
that, for whatever reason, "time travel" is
a key if not the central message encoded
in the Venus/Enterprise/Dragon Transit

We can start with the fact that the "Enterprise
Transit" is all about the space shuttle
sailing up to the Intrepid Sea, Air &
Space Museum located at Pier 86 at 46th
Street on the West Side of Manhattan. This is
precisely where the " Miracle on the Hudson"
took place back on January 15, 2009 when US
Airways Flight 1549 piloted by Capt. Chesley B.
"Sully" Sullenberger crashed into the river
inexplicably without any deaths or serious
injuries. The "miracle" was captured
on the Intrepid's security video camera:
Visually and symbolically
striking, I had little trouble discerning an
encoded allusion to time travel
which you can read all about in my article " Relativity
on the Hudson". The initial major clue
that got the ball rolling was the amazing
images of the watery crash and escape which
were almost identical to the spacecraft
crash scene in the opening sequence of Planet
of the Apes:
That led me to think about the "time
dilation" effect of Einstein's
Special Theory of Relativity (the
faster you go, the slower time flows relative
to slower-moving observers) which is literally
"time travel" and the means by which
the astronauts in Planet of the Apes
travel into the future. What I found by doing
simple calculation was that Flight 1549's
troubled final journey was implied to
have originated in "October 1307" - precisely
when the Knights Templar as a public, legal
organization came to an abrupt end when King
Philip IV of France along with Pope Clement V
went "nuclear" on the Order, swiftly
dismantling the warrior-bankers to whom the
king owed a lot of money.

The Templars were highly skilled
sailors who had their own fleet of ships
(which some members probably used to evade the
king's forces). As such it's been widely
speculated that the Knights Templar had
already visited and explored America long
before Columbus (who himself had familial
connections to the Order). The United States
as some have argued could even be viewed as a
Templar nation built on and is still driven by
Templar principles - including Gnostic ideas
and goddess/Isis/Sophia worship (=>
Statue of Liberty) - which are largely
interchangeable with Masonic principles
(because the Order likely merged with a strain
of Freemasonry in Scotland via the Sinclair
family after the mass arrest). It's well known
for instance that many of the founding members
and presidents of the United States were
Masons, including Harry Truman, a 33rd Degree
Mason, who ordered two atomic bombs
dropped on Japan during World War II. It was
the terrifying culmination of the Manhattan
Project initiated after prominent
physicists including Albert Einstein warned
President Roosevelt of the advent of nuclear
fission-based weaponry.
Nuclear reaction is a
dramatic manifestation of Einsteins' famous
"mass-energy equivalence" equation, E = mc2,
deriving from Special Relativity. (The
"c" in the equation is the speed of light in a
vacuum.) Matter converted into energy. It is
precisely for this reason that the
world's first nuclear-powered
aircraft carrier on special occasions
proudly flashes the equation on its deck like
this year celebrating its 50th year in service
(see picture below).
The ship happens to be called... USS Enterprise.
is currently under final
to be decommissioned in March 2013]
There is another "USS
Enterprise"... a beloved spaceship in Star
Trek after which space shuttle
Enterprise was actually named (originally to
be called "Constitution"). Right on time, and
in perfect sync with the underlying pattern, Star Trek and starship
Enterprise somehow became a hot topic
in May 2012...

May 11 Engineer
Thinks Real Starship Enterprise
Possible in 20 Years
May 18 Could
a 21st Century USS Enterprise Really Fly?
...including a story directly involving SpaceX
Dragon which carried on-board the ashes of
"Scotty" (the actor) who was Chief Engineer on
Enterprise in the original Star Trek series.

May 22 Star Trek's "Scotty" finally
launched into space
"Enterprise" was also the
title of the last Star Trek TV series
which ran from September 2001 to May 2005...

...starring Scott Bakula as
captain "Johathan Archer" of starship
Enterprise NX-01.

[Enterprise captain
"Jonathan Archer"/Scott Bakula]
- Actor Bakula is best known for his role as
Sam Beckett (main character) in Quantum
Leap (1989-1993), a television
series all about time travel.
- Star Trek:
Enterprise had as its recurrent plot
device the "Temporal
Cold War" heavily involving time
The Temporal Cold War
is a fictional conflict waged throughout
history in the Star Trek universe,
predominantly during the 22nd century AD.
First established in the pilot episode of
Star Trek: Enterprise and recurring
until the series' fourth season premiere,
it is a struggle between those who would
alter history to suit their own ends and
those who would preserve the integrity of
the original timeline.
Even the most recent Star Trek
film, Star
Trek (2009), incorporated time
travel into its storyline...

Not only that, the movie was
directed & produced by J. J. Abrams
who also produced... Cloverfield.
(Abrams' apparent obsession with time travel
and alternate realities is reflected in many
of his works including Fringe,
Lost, Alcatraz, etc.) He is
currently working on a sequel to Star Trek
due out in 2013.
And finally, there is "The Enterprise
Mission" of Mars/space anomaly
researcher Richard C. Hoagland... who is
currently focusing on, naturally, the upcoming Venus
Transit (and the recent annular solar

As detailed in his latest article published in
May 2012 titled "A
Most Hyperdimensional Eclipse … and Final Venus
Transit", Hoagland's interest in this has
specifically to do with how these celestial
alignments seem to produce tangible effects of
torsion or hyperdimensional physics or in
other words warping of spacetime itself
(via spinning mass) which is a concept inseparable
from time travel.
* *
We've only scratched
the surface of all this in this article. Venus,
eclipses, pentagrams, UK royal family &
Olympics, commercial space travel, time travel,
torsion physics, Prometheus, fire, Grail &
Templars, Mars/Cydonia/Face... all tightly
connected in many ways and on various levels. But
where is the "epicenter" of all these signals?
What's the ultimate, unified message? That's still
difficult to say, and there is no need to jump to
conclusions, but...
I'd say it's ultimately about who we are - where
we came from and where we are going. It's about
time: our Genesis and our Destiny. It's in the
fire of Prometheus, the apple of Eve, the Holy
Grail, the heavenly seed of the Anunnaki... and

All through life and history we've
been sailing aimlessly through the river of time,
and time is a condition that separates the present
from the past and future. Limited awareness.
We are here and we don't know why. Sometimes we
think we can almost feel the secrets, the truth,
hidden away in the "Hall of Records" be it in our
DNA, Egypt, Mars... but always just out of our
grasp. To "time travel" is to access the hidden
side of reality, history, or destiny to find out
who we really are. We aren't there yet, but from a
multicontextual "big picture" perspective,
escaping Earth's gravity represents or reflects a
major first step. Multicontextually speaking, the
closer we get to Mars and the more we learn about
its history (including life), the closer we get to
the edge of time, to hyperspace.
The Mayan calendar paranoia and
discussions make the year 2012 an ideal temporal
framework in which to microcosmically simulate or
foreshadow the process of the Apocalypse, the
lifting of the veil... the proverbial "ah ha!"
moment... which is just around the corner. The
21st century is the designated end of the road
where we have to "jump" out of time and become
Prometheus ourselves.

We are all pregnant...with truth. Destiny calls. The
baby is coming soon. All this heavy stuff is likely
to be simulated in 2012. Part of the
process of "waking up".
